  • Participation at the “National Championship” in Belo Horizonte

    Almost 1.500 Mangalarga Marchador at one event! See the very besthorses competing each other, follow an auction in the forefront, if the bids screw up into spectacular heights!

    These are just a few highlights, too, the EAMM delegation may experience once a year. Even the President will attend to you personally. He does not resist takingcare ofthe guests of honor from Europe. The host will read every wish in their eyes, all questions will be answered.

    Gradually you will understand by which criteria the judges identifythe winners on the oval track. Now, you become aware, what is important: not only a clearbeat of the Marcha is essential, buthead and tail position is rated as well, especially the appearance/”brio” of each horse. Here the beauty and elegance of the Iberian origin of the Mangalarga Marchador takes effect.

    …and apart from that? Don`t look -try! You are invited for test riding! Which horse? ... You choose it! ...the winnerof a special discipline? ...yeah, go ahead! ...that mare, that will be auctioned later to peak prices? ...what are you waiting for? ...adjust the stirrup straps quickly and go ahead! ...oh, another one? ... Ok, as long as you want! Everybody is in a good mood and will assist you mounting the horse! They are happy if you even want to try the newly-crowned champion as well! Do not hesitate, here the desire of riding a Mangalarga Marchador will be fulfilled in any case.
    National Championship in Belo Horizonte

    National Championship in Belo Horizonte

    National Championship in Belo Horizonte

    National Championship in Belo Horizonte

    National Championship in Belo Horizonte

    National Championship in Belo Horizonte